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Before & After Care

To get the best results from your massage, there are some recommended before and after care that you can take part in. Here are our basic guidelines for before and after massage care to ensure that you receive the best massage experience possible.

Be open about conditions, injuries, and state of health. Massage therapists need to know about any health changes. Massage therapy directly impacts all body systems including circulatory, nervous, digestive, and muscular. A therapist needs to know changes in a client’s medical conditions, injury status, and overall state of health to be aware of contraindications and modifications to bodywork. Fill out all the paperwork ahead of your appointment and arrive 5-10 minutes early so we can go over it together.

It is especially important to stay hydrated after a massage. Massage releases toxin buildup and increases circulation, so having that extra water in your system will help flush it out more effectively. An added plus: drinking water post-massage can help reduce the soreness that can follow a deep massage the day after.


It’s recommended to avoid activities like heavy weight lifting and running for a day or two after a massage. Massage helps aid in healthy tissue repair. Strenuous activities such as these can slow down or impair the tissue healing process. Instead of these activities, try going for a walk or doing some mild stretching to increase the effectiveness of your massage.

 © Balanced Massage Therapy 
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